Monday, April 13, 2009

The homestretch again.

With The Band hit 60,000 words today. I'm guessing it has about 5,000 to go, so if I write like my face is on fire tomorrow, I'll finish it. Just a handful of chapters to go - woohoo!

It's definitely reached that familiar homestretch: When the end is in sight, the characters are being asshats, and the writing borders on painful because I just want to be DONE. One character got a fist in the mouth in one chapter, and if he keeps being a pill, I might just have someone hit him again for good measure. Yep, it's definitely time to be done with this book.

So...tomorrow? Finish With The Band.

After that? It's all about the Super Sekrit Skwirrel Memoir Project.

After the vodka and video games, of course.