Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm not thinking about a white elephant.

I'm definitely not thinking about a white elephant because I'm too damned busy trying not to think about The Invitation. Normally, I'd be jotting notes, thinking about the characters, tinkering with the plot, and generally obsessing over it...but that's not allowed this time. See, not only am I not outlining it, I'm playing by Scarlett's rules and not even thinking about it. No notes. No planning. Nada. (In all fairness, she's playing by my rules too as far as her outline goes)

This is, of course, driving me insane.

Fortunately, I still have Breaking the Rules to finish, and the characters are definitely giving me a good solid warm-up for the characterocracy that The Invitation will be. Chris, you weren't supposed to say that in that scene, but...*deep breath*...I'll let it go. Kat, where the hell did that come from? *sigh* Fine. It stays.

So, I should be well-prepared for this non-outlined insanity.

Playing by Scarlett's rules, I have been allowed to do the following:
  • Come up with a title
  • Come up with my main - and a few secondary - characters. Names, photos, and roles. Nothing more. (Though one of them has decided on an occupation, and I'm not going to argue with him.)
  • Come up with the "inciting incident" (The "oh shit" moment at the beginning that gets the story rolling)
  • There isn't a fourth bullet point because she won't let me do anything else.

I am, however, comforted - or sadistically satisfied - by the fact that Scarlett is also going out of her mind with her newly-outlined book, Plus One. Like me, she has another book to finish first, but it isn't keeping her from thinking about Plus One and its incredibly smexy male lead. Er, I mean, plot. Yes. The plot.

But at least she's allowed to think about it. Bitch.

I will finish Breaking the Rules before I start on The Invitation, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if I said "to hell with a start date" and started writing it before July 1. Between now and then, I will do the best I can to not think about it.

Nope, not going to think about it at all.

Completely blocked out of my mind.

Hey, is that a white elephant?


  1. You're allowed to think of occupations and such. Usually when I come up with a new idea I let it simmer but I don't suppress ideas that pop up automatically/ voluntarily/ whatever.

    Sometimes even scenes come to mind, snapshots, conversations. Only thing is I don't write them down until I start at chapter one and write in sequence.

    And for the love of all that is holy, knowing what my male MC is going to get up to is driving me BATSHIT.

    Like you I'll probably ignore our agreed start date but I'm going to finish DAE first. I don't want to be one of those writers who skips from book to book, or rather from half-written draft to half-written draft, never getting to the end.

    Not forgetting LTC and my problem of where and when to fit in the editing thereof...

  2. Woo, go Loreh!

    As I just said on MSN, you is hardcore!

    *Menny hugs*

