Thursday, July 16, 2009

Almost to the end...

My self-imposed grounding will be lifted in two days. For the last five days, I haven't written a thing. I've edited two manuscripts, I've done some beta reading, I've worked on some query letters, but I haven't written.

Strangely - and this unsettles me a bit - I am not chomping at the bit to get writing again. Normally, after two days, I'm losing my mind. This time? Meh. I think I'm just in a funk. It happens. Plus I'm unsure about a few things with Under My Skin, so even though I'm excited about it, I'm also dreading it.

Not to worry...peaks and valleys are part of life. I just hate that "don't feel like writing" feeling. Of course, once the grounding is lifted, I will write whether I like it or not. And my enthusiasm will return in due time. I think once I finish outlining Under My Skin and have a better idea of the entire story arc, I'll feel better about it.

'Tis a funk, but it will pass, and the writing will happen whether I'm "meh" or not. I just needed to wangst pathetic about it for a minute. *deep cleansing breath* I feel better now.

In other news, I've finished the first round of edits on Breaking the Rules and The Best Man. Libbie is better than halfway through critiquing the latter, and her super badass comments - along with Scarlett's and Adam's - assure me that it doesn't suck. Once I've finished getting her feedback on it, I'll do another round of edits, then it's off to Queryland.

Now, off to finish outlining Under My Skin and see if that rekindles my mojo.


  1. You must stimulate your brainz!

    I recommend reading an humorous urban fantasy novella about a grim reaper.



    *Menny hugz*


  2. Thank god you're not whining about it. We're all allowed off-days and a bit of wallowing but I admire the fact you're already preparing to get working again.
