Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just for Scarlett.

Okay, okay, I promise, no more mancandy blogs for a while, but this one was necessary. Why? Because Scarlett just PWNed the hell out of my query letter for With The Band. I mean, seriously, she PWNed it. And she's promised me one hell of a synopsis to go with it, so that's double PWNage.

In exchange, she asked me to bring the main character, Bastian Koehler, to life and ship him to her. Since I am unable to do that, I had to settle for her second wish, which was a gratuitous mancandy blog entry.


Here they are...

Some inked John Mayer...
Jeff "why yes I DO have pianist's fingers" Goldblum...
Tim "the sweatier the better" Kelleher...
Robert "I'm rocking the hell out of this tux" Downey Jr...
James "no, I'M bringing sexy back" Purefoy...
Shannon "why yes I am thinking about that" Leto...
And a pair I would kill to see in a film together again, though preferably with better dialogue, better plotting, and maybe a death scene that isn't laughably awful...
So, thank you Scarlett, for making a badass query that will hopefully sell With The Band. You've earned your mancandy. Enjoy it.


  1. Ah, my suicide threesome.

    I now need some 'me-time'...

  2. Mayer sucks ass, and not in the good way.

    I approve of the rest, though! :-)



  3. OK, these might not have been for me, but thank you anyway!! Love Robert Downey Jr, can't wait for the new Sherlock movie. Him, half naked, sweaty, and brawling. 'nuff said

  4. I am so looking forward to Xmas because OMG SHERLOCK HOLMES HELLO MANCANDIES.
