Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Movie Review - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

So we watched X-Men Origins: Wolverine tonight, and I felt compelled to post a review for no other reason than I couldn't think of anything else to blog about.

Entertainment Value: Hugh Jackman. Angry, sweaty, ripped, and in various states of undress. What's not to love? Okay, seriously...never a dull moment, cool action sequences, wicked cool special effects. Could've used a few more scenes with Logan the Lumberjack, but hey, I'll take it. Oh, and Hugh Jackman. Naked.

Dialogue: For the most part, not bad. A few cheesy bits, but that's to be expected in an action film, so I'll let it slide. Some of the snide comments were actually pretty funny. I even LOL'ed in a few places. Though the random "girlfriend telling Logan about the whole wolverine story" thingy was completely...well...random. Obviously meant to foreshadow his "I am Iron M- er, Wolverine" thing, and but it clunked. Big time. FAIL.

Sticking to the Comic Book: I've heard a lot of criticism about this movie for deviating from the original comic. This is something that really, really annoys me with movies based on comics, books, or television shows, but in this case, I'm not familiar enough with the X-Men comics to notice when or where it may have deviated. So, I can't comment.

Special Effects: Very impressive.

WTF Moments: When and why did Logan change his name? Victor calls him Jimmy throughout, but there is no explanation about the change to Logan. I assume it was an alias while laying low and living as a lumberjack...maybe I missed something.

Overall: See above about Hugh Jackman. Okay, seriously...I don't know enough about the comic to say whether or not this was a shitty X-Men movie, but as a film in its own right, it was worth the price of admission.


  1. I watched it yesterday and had pretty much the same opinion you did. As far as the name, the only thing I can figure is that his name was James Logan. I agree - it was a bit off-putting.

    But naked Hugh Jackman? Oh, my!

  2. I was one of those people who thought it fell short. Hugh Jackman wasn't even enough to make me fall in love with it. Probably because I have read some of the comics and watched far too many Marvel cartoons.

    Gambit was "meh". When they said they were going to New Orleans I got so excited I actually squealed. Gambit sucked though. He wasn't the snarky sarcastic douche bag I loved so much.

    Why oh WHY did Gambit break up the fight between Logan and Victor? There was no reason for that at all.

    Deadpool was another issue. THEY MADE HIM MUTE! that jackass never shuts up.

    And then Logan gets back into the mountain and finds Stryker unprotected and instead of ripping him to shreds has a chat with him WTF?

    So there were my biggest beefs with the movie. 2 were because characters were not done properly (I could also add where was the helmet?). but two were just plot holes I couldn't figure out.

  3. Misa - I did wonder about Gambit breaking up the fight between Logan and Victor. That was lame.

    As I said, I'm not familiar enough with the comic to notice things that weren't done properly...but, it was an entertaining enough movie for an evening.

  4. I stopped reading at "Hugh Jackman naked." That's all I need to know. Going to see it ASAP.
