Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The year is 2009...

...and these are my writing goals:
  1. Finish revising "Camera Shy" (done) and "Sins of the Father". Submit both for publication.
  2. Complete First Drafts of "Fit for a King" (done), "The Assassin's Redemption", "Blizzard on Martin's Ridge", and "The Hour of Our Death". Update: I seem to be working on any WIP but the ones listed on this goal. Go figure.
  3. Finish outlining the sequel to "Sins of the Father" (I'm seriously tempted to call this one "Son of Sins of the Father"...) and start the first draft.
  4. Submit proposals for two nonfiction projects.
  5. Finish "The Lot" and "Unified Earth" (horror and sci-fi novellas) and submit.
  6. Harass Ms Papercuts on a daily basis about the status of her various projects, and demand that she SEND IT ALL NAO *hitlerface* Update: This is going very, very well.
  7. Finish researching my military thriller, "No Pain". I wish the title described the research in question, but no, the research is quite painful.
  8. In November, PWN NaNoWriMo again, probably with another sleazy excuse to cast a current member of my favorite band in a trashy romance novel...
  9. Work on collaboration with Ms Papercuts.

So far, I'm on track:

"Camera Shy" is currently in the hands of five Beta readers, and a sixth has already gotten back to me with feedback, because she totally rocks. As soon as I hear from the other five, I'll do another revision, then start submitting it.

"Sins of the Father" is taking some time, mostly because the step after "slog through 300 pages and make notes" is "slog through 300 pages and implement changes as per aforementioned notes". Step 2 is decidedly slower than step 1.

So, there you have it: my goals for 2009. Now that you have read them, you are obligated to nag at me for the duration of '09 until I can provide notarized evidence of my completion of the above.

Also, I'd like to recommend a book to my writerly friends: "Fondling Your Muse" by John Warner. As the title suggests...well...just read it. It's hilarious.

Update (12/09/2008)

"Camera Shy" has been submitted and I've gotten a request for a partial manuscript. The first draft of "Fit for a King" is on track to be finished in the next few days. Making massive amounts of progress on item #6 above as well.

Stay tuned...

Update (12/10/2008)

"Fit for a King" is done. Hell. Yeah.

Update (12/30/2008)

Just about to go into the new year, just about time to crack down on my goals. As of this week, "Luke Boydston's Baby" and "Playing With Fire" are both done, and I've gotten another review of "Camera Shy" back from a beta reader. January 1 means it's time for JaNoWriMo, an unofficial version of NaNoWriMo. I will be working on "The Enemy of My Enemy" for this month. Updates to follow.

Update (01/06/2009)

"Playing With Fire" is revised and ready for beta readers. "Luke Boydston's Baby" is revised, but still needs a couple of scenes fixed before it's ready for betas. I'm stalled as hell on "The Enemy of My Enemy". *sigh* Oh well, at least I'm making progress on some of my finished drafts.

Update (01/21/2009)

Received a full manuscript request on "Playing With Fire". Still waiting to hear back about "Camera Shy". "The Enemy of My Enemy" and "Straight Up" are both stalled, so they're on the back burner while I work on "The Wedding Photographer" (at 40,000 words as of this update) and "All The King's Horses" (outlining). I'm hoping to have TWP and ATKH at least close to finished by the time I fly to Seattle, so I'll have manuscripts to revise on the plane. Hooray!

Update (02/20/2009)

Good God, I can't believe I didn't update this post. "Playing With Fire" is getting published!! WOOHOO!!! Details to come.

"The Wedding Photographer" is undergoing a massive rewrite because, in short, it sucked. "All The King's Horses" is being reworked from the beginning. I've also started "Between Brothers", which is coming along slowly but surely. I had a meeting with an editor in Seattle about "Camera Shy", and she gave me some great feedback. While it's probably not going to be accepted by that particular press, it was encouraging to get some one-on-one with an editor.

And I still can't believe I'm finally doing this full-time.


  1. I will add that to my book list. My next endeavor is going to be twilight so right now I am just trying to mentally prepare myself.

  2. What is the meaning of #6? *hitlerface*

    Oh wait.

    Trinity shirt = you PWN my ass forebah!

  3. So are you going to be regularly updating this post, then? I shall keep watch.

