Today was one of those days that simply can't be spent indoors. Sea conditions were absolutely perfect, the weather was gorgeous (in the 80's, but enough wind to keep it comfortable), humidity was low, and we had the afternoon off. Naturally, we went to the beach.
We went back to Hamihiga Beach (I think that's what it's called...). This is the place we've visited a few times when stalking hermit crabs and other such things. Today, the tide was WAY out, too.
Pics are in totally random order because Blogger is being a pain in my ass.
Somebody's kid wandering unattended near the water.

This place is so freaking gorgeous...

Find the hidden critter...(click the picture to see it a bit larger if it's too small)

Eddie, molesting the local wildlife...

Eddie, trying to fish with his hands. He did not succeed in catching any fish.


A sea urchin...

This little fishy blended in with the sand and was almost impossible to see, so I used Photoshop to darken his shadow to make him visible in the pic. About three seconds later, another fish came along, saw him, and ate him. I guess I shouldn't have done that.

This section of the breakwater was completely submerged last time. Gotta love low tide.

Another view of the breakwater, which was now OUT of the water.

There were little pools in between each of the "X's", which made for cool spots to stop and find little creatures. Such as little blue fishies, which are coming up...

See? Little blue fishy...

Some of the not-quite-so-exotic local wildlife...

Did I mention that we live here?

Angry crab says "put me down. NAO."

I believe this is a sea slug. I have no idea. I'm guessing that it's probably poisonous or otherwise dangerous somehow, so I didn't touch it. But I took a picture. So enjoy the picture.

A sea cucumber. I know, exciting. I find sea creatures endlessly fascinating,'s my blog, I can post slimy, boring sea critters if I want to.

Since the tide was waaaaaaaay out, all of these rocks were above water for once. They looked wet, sharp, and covered in nasty creatures of the deep, so naturally as soon as I took this picture, I commenced climbing all over them.

I love this place.

"One fish, two fish, red fish, OW! HE BIT ME! EDDIE SMASH!"

"HA! Your gloves are no match for my hedgehog-like spines. *STAB STAB STAB* Oh crap. Maybe they ARE a match for my spines. Shit."

"I have a hat. It is made of seaweed."

This was the first time in my life I'd ever found a sea urchin anywhere other than an aquarium, so naturally, I was fascinated as hell with them. I also didn't want to get stabbed, which is why Eddie was handling them, not me.

Eddie, taking pictures of sea urchins.

Um, Eddie? You do realize that you don't need your snorkel unless your face is actually IN the water, right?
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