Thursday, April 16, 2009

Skwirrels & Betas.

The Super Sekrit Skwirrel Memoir Project has a title. Well, it already had one, I just didn't have the go-ahead from my partner in crime to post it until now. As you may have noticed from the word counter on the right side of the screen, the new work-in-progress is Black Dark. The word counter is probably going to move crazy fast for a while, for the simple fact that a) two of us are involved and b) a lot of the material is already written (I'm currently editing the existing chapters).

It's gonna be kewl.

In other news...I could use some beta readers! Shoot me an e-mail, leave a comment, or send me a message through Facebook. They're all approximately 75,000 words, which translates to your average novel length.

Luke Boydston's Baby - Erotic Romance

Camera Shy - Erotic Romance

Between Brothers - Erotica (The faint of heart need not apply on this one...)

I'm a bit pressed for time on the first two; ideally, I'd like feedback in the next 2-3 weeks, if not sooner, but hey, I'm not going to turn down feedback. The third isn't all that urgent.

I'm sure you can read between the lines about a few things just by looking at the genres. They are all rife with those scenes (tm), so take that into consideration before you decide to read one of them. It won't hurt my feelings if it's not your cup of tea. This particularly applies to Between Brothers.

Let me know if you're interested! I can use all the extra eyeballs I can get.


  1. And so are her heros, misa101. ;)

    Wait...WHUT! I didn't know you wrote fulth! Why did no one tell meh?

  2. Hey Lori, I'd love to be a Beta Reader for you. You can check out my blog (there's a link to my writing blog as well) at to see if you think I'm suitable for you.

    I've been following your adventures on AW - I must say I'm envious, you're just a writing machine! :-)

  3. Just to let you know, I'm still plugging away at Camera Shy. It's just taking me a little longer than I expected. But.... I'm really liking it.

    Especially "those" scenes.

  4. Amanda - no problem! :) Take your time. Jason can't be rushed.
