Sunday, May 10, 2009

Barreling down the homestretch.

It seems I've neglected my blog for an unforgivable five solid days, so I must now remedy that.

So what have I been doing for the last five days that rendered me unable (or too damned lazy) to update my blog? Mostly working on Black Dark and Rules of Engagement, of course.

Black Dark is coming along slowly...just a lot of tweaking and editing at this point. The word counter doesn't reflect how much I've actually done on it lately, because most of it has been longhand. As soon as I can decipher my own handwriting, I'll translate the changes onto the computer, and update the word count properly.

Rules of Engagement should be passing the 60,000 word mark today. As I write this, I'm sitting just below 55,000. I'm guessing the book will be about 75,000 words when it's finished, but it's hard to say, especially since my two main characters seem to like hijacking scenes with smartass banter and other such diversions. I've had a few moments of self-doubt with this one, particularly given the rather uncharted territory of the story (Write what you know? Yeah, right...), but Adam and Scarlett have given every chapter enthusiastic thumbs up, so evidently it's working well.

So now you know what I've been doing instead of attending to my bloggerly duties.

And because she has nagged the crap out of me to update my blog, not to mention encouraged me when I've doubted myself on RoE, I have a few gifts for Scarlett:

Oh, and since it's Mother's Day, this one's for Mom:

Happy Mother's Day :D