Sunday, May 17, 2009

Taking the day off.

Black Dark is officially DONE. I spent all day yesterday finishing all of the revisions and compiling the manuscript, then sent it off to my co-author to look over before passing it on to the agent that requested a full. Commence massive consumption of antacids while we await a reply.

And of course, now that I don't have two books competing for my attention, Adam and Scarlett can rejoice in the knowledge that I will resume working on Rules of Engagement, which is almost done. It's definitely winding down: I've got about 7 chapters left to finish and 2 left to write, which I'm guessing translates to roughly 5,000 words.

I would finish it today, but I am taking a much, much needed DAY OFF.

Tomorrow,'s on like Donkey Kong.


  1. Hi, I'm sure you get comments like these all the time, but do you have any writing tips? My biggest question is what order do you write in? Do you start at the beginning or jump around? My writing tends to jump around like my brain, and I haven't decided if that's completely dysfunctional or not. If you've already posted them somewhere, then just point me to a link. Otherwise, I'd appreciate the insight. I've tried looking online for that answer in author interviews, but haven't found anything. Thanks, I really enjoy your blog, and congrats on everything you've been getting done, it's very inspiring and boots me in the rear to get writing done.

  2. Chelsey,

    I write completely out of order. I jump around like crazy so I'm always writing whichever scene "calls" to me. Works much better for me than writing in sequence.

    Shoot me an e-mail (thethinker42(AT) and I can give you some pointers. :)

