Saturday, June 13, 2009

Back to the grindstone.

The news about Playing With Fire killed my writing mojo yesterday, so I decided to give myself a day off and get the wangsting out of my system. I sent out a few queries, did some thinking about what I could do to improve Playing With Fire, but didn't actually do any writing. I made a deal with myself: I could take a day off, but had to make up for lost time tomorrow (which is now today).

So, that means that today is going to be a 10,000 word day if I have to write it all in blood. But of course, I also got a rejection today, and that means I have to add another 2,000 to the mix.

Hear ye, hear ye: The word counter for Breaking the Rules will cross 33,823 by midnight (Okinawa time) tonight.

Also, some of you may have noticed a third word counter on my sidebar. I had originally planned to shoot for 350K in 2009. Then 750K. Now, to hell with it: 1 million. When I hit today's goal, I will be a ballhair away from 450K. I need another 50K by the end of the month and I will be halfway to my goal.

There. Now that I have blogged about it, these goals are effectively etched in stone, and I expect all of my loyal blog minions to kick me squarely in the butt if I miss these goals.

Back to writing...


  1. Everyone needs to take a break now and then and recharge the brain cells.

    Break's over.

    Go! Write Now!

