My parents have, in recent months, had the occasional uninvited visitor in their house. The sliding glass door has to be left open so that the two outdoor cats can come in, but someone else has decided that they can use the door too. As a solution, a board was placed in the door so that it was
just wide enough for the cats to come in, but couldn't be pushed farther open to allow the intruder entrance.
Last night, while writing at the kitchen table, I learned that these efforts haven't worked quite as well as we'd hoped.
Apparently the visitor doesn't
need a wider doorway:

(What? You're surprised that my first reaction was to call Eddie into the room and tell him to get the camera?)
"Hmm, what's over here?"

At this point, I did chase it can poke your head in, little vermin, but that's as far as you get.
A few minutes later, he was back...defiant little shit...

Realizing he couldn't get all the way in, he resorted to more creative means to get the object of his pursuits...the dog's rawhide toy:


Apparently the current home security measures will need to be strengthened.
But...hey...I got to meet my daily quota of "exposure to adorable - if intrusive - wildlife".
*Cute overload.*
So frickin' gorgeous!!!
I are manly.
*Adjusts crotch, spits.*
Raccoons are my favorite. So cute!