Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's like Christmas!

Lots of goodies in the mail today.

For one, I got my advance check for Rules of Engagement. I am officially a paid author now. Woohoo!!

In keeping with the Rules of Engagement theme, I also received these:
Yes, I actually had dogtags made. Without divulging too many details, there is a set of dogtags in the book, belonging to main character Dustin Walker, and they make a few fairly significant appearances throughout the story. So, I promised myself I would have dogtags made if and when Rules of Engagement was ever contracted. It was, so I did, and there they are.

I've had four sets made: one for myself, one each for Scarlett and Adam (since they both helped me with the book), and one that will probably be given away to a reader at some point.

So, needless to say, I have been stupidly giddy all day because I got not one but two tangible things to confirm that yes - no matter how much I'm in denial - I really am a published author.

Now to hang my set of tags above my desk next to a copy of the advance check...


  1. Congratulations, and the dog tags are a great idea. What a wonderfully tangible thing to have of your story!

  2. That is so awesome! Congratulations. Hopefully I will be able to say the same thing at some point.

  3. That must be the coolest feeling ever.

    Well, second coolest... ;)

  4. Double yay!!! :-)

    Soooo freakin sweet...


  5. YAAYYY!!! I'm going to eat a cookie in your honor today.
