Thursday, October 8, 2009

Feast or Famine and Some Updates

Good God, sometimes it definitely feels like feast or famine when it comes to productivity. Yesterday? 10,000 words. Today? It's currently 7:15 pm and I've written about 500 words.

Okay, I've actually done a bit more than that, but it was all by hand: I was concerned about the outline and the sequence of events for The Devil You Know, so I sat down and wrote a rough synopsis in SHAG. It's basically a very sketchy description of every scene, how the scene happens and why, and how it leads into the next scene, all scribbled out in the form of probably 10 pages of illegible chicken scratch. And, just as I'd hoped, it worked: I figured out exactly where something was missing, added/subtracted scenes accordingly, and worked out how to tie a couple of other scenes together to create smoother transitions. Also managed to resolve a few "how the hell do I set this scene up?" issues (i.e., how to get certain characters into a specific situation).

So, in terms of word counts, I've done fuck all today. In terms of actually getting the story sorted and ironed out, it was a pretty productive day.

And what blog entry would be complete without an update on Between Brothers?
  • I spoke to the editor today, and the paperback version is just about ready.
  • The electronic version is now available on
  • It has reached #1 on Allromance's Multiple Partners list!! WOOHOO!!! It's also currently #5 on the Overall Bestseller list, and #3 on both Erotica and Contemporary.
More updates to come. Thanks again to everyone who has helped make Between Brothers a success!

Also, the contract for Nine Tenths of the Law is officially signed, sealed, and delivered. I'll have a more firm release date in the next few months, but as of now, it's slated to be released in May 2010 by Samhain Publishing. The electronic version will be out first, followed several months later by paperback. This will be my second published M/M romance, the first being Rules of Engagement, which is due out in December from Dreamspinner Press.

Now back to work on The Devil You Know, and hopefully I'll have more than a few hundred words by the end of the night...


  1. I hate it when you leave teasers about your latest projects instead of gerrin' on wi' gerrin' 'em writ!

  2. I AM gerrinon wi' gerrinit writ, you demanding cow. I was just taking the time to blog so you didn't demand that I GERRONWI UPDATIN MAH BLOG.

