Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pics From Japanistan

Yes, my loyal blog minions, I finally got out of the house today. It was a rather windy day, and the temperature plummeted to a bone-chilling 65 degrees or so, but we braved the arctic conditions and went out with our cameras. We headed north this time, revisiting one of our favorite photo spots, Cape Manzamo (I think I spelled that right...) as well as nearby Manza Beach.

Manza Beach:
There was also a church at the resort, which I thought looked really cool:
And evidently, being a church and all, they sometimes have weddings. Now, having been a wedding photographer in a past life, I know that it's a very hands-on job.

But...boundaries, lady. Boundaries.
We also saw some of the local wildlife...
The obligatory hermit crab, being pestered by Eddie:
"I said 'no pictures!'...stupid hoomanz..."
And maybe Libbie can help me out with identifying this bird...
Then it was on to Cape Manzamo. Now, I mentioned that the weather was a wee bit on the windy side today. To give you an idea, this is what Cape Manzamo looked like when we visited a few months ago:
And this is what it looked like today:
There are few sounds quite as cool as the "thump" of a big wave hitting cliffs. Particularly when you can feel it because it's hitting the cliff you're standing on (and yes, about 10 minutes after this pic was taken, I was standing on the pictured cliff)...
Cliffs + Waves = Happy Lori
Being a sucker for a) taking pictures of waves, b) walking past "danger signs" and fences, and c) positioning myself precariously on a cliff's edge during high winds, I was in heaven. So, if you'll indulge me, a few wave pictures...
Yes. It's really that blue.
Okay, but not that blue...
Yes, I was having some fun with Photoshop. Sue me.
After teetering on the edge of the cliffs for a while and trying to keep my balance, keep my hair out of my face (note to self: when windy, wear ponytail), and focus camera, it was time for some liquid refreshment. I was in the mood for some iced coffee, and as I was drinking it, glanced at the label. And...uh...
I can't say I've ever taken "milky mouthfeel" into consideration when selecting a drink, but I'll keep it in mind in the future. Or something.

One of the other cool things about this place is some of the funky architecture. I've been remiss in getting pics of it lately, so here's a few to pacify everyone until I get some more.

They love brightly colored, squarish buildings here, and they're pretty much all constructed out of concrete. Note the terra cotta Shi Shi dog on the right:
This is a pretty typical street...some buildings are grey and plain, others are cool colors with interesting shapes:
So there you have it. Another adventure in Japanistan. More to come next time Eddie has a day off and the weather cooperates.


  1. Great pics! I saw what you did there with the last one.

    The mystery raptor is an osprey. You can tell by its jizz.

    Seriously. Jizz is a birding term. Hahahahhaha!

    Actually, you can tell by its field marks, too, but I thought you'd like to learn a new word for the day.

  2. I heart Godzilla and want a box set of all the old movies.
