Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ooooooh yeeaaaaaah.

There are milestones in the life of every writer. First finished story. First rejection. First acceptance. Some are more significant than others. Some probably don't mean squat to one writer but are career-defining for another.

Of all of them, there is one I've been looking forward to since it first dawned on me that I could write a book. I've been waiting for it for, oh, about twenty-five years. The very thought was enough to make me "SQUEE!"

And today...

After two and a half decades of keeping my "SQUEE!" to myself...

I got to hold my book in my dirty little paws:
This was followed shortly by another milestone I've dreamed about since time immemorial: I got to sign a copy of my own book. And I will, of course, be sending that first ever signed copy to the one to whom I owe my writing career.

So, if you'll indulge me...


And now I'm going to go hold my book in my grimy little hands until the novelty wears off.