Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Plot Bunny Ninja Strikes Again

So I was having another wangst attack about World Enough and Time. Yes, another one. As much as I love this story, it's been kicking my ass. It seems my characters have chosen a set of conflicts that could, if handled improperly, wander into such forbidden territories as "a heroine that's too stupid to live (or TSTL)" or "well, that was an easy resolution".

Naturally, I did the only thing I can do when wangst attacks: I spoke to Scarlett and...well...wangsted.

And Scarlett, the bestower of all things wisdomlike, said unto me: "Why don't you have Connor (*mumble*), (*whisper*), and (*mutter*)? Which would make it more believable when Dani (*mumblemutter*)." Of course those weren't the actual words used, but I'm not giving away my story here.

Anyway, she wasn't finished. She also suggested a few lines of dialogue for them to exchange during a particularly heated moment...which caused some gears to turn in mah brainz...which in turn spawned a few more such lines of dialogue...which subsequently resulted in an entirely new, conflict-riddled, emotions-running-high chapter near the end.

I'm still taking today off to go out photographically documentalizing life in Japanistansylvania, but tomorrow? Oh, it's on. This book is slow-going, but I think it'l be worth it in the end. At least one chapter is one of my top 10 favorite chapters ever (out of anything I've written). It just needed a little Scarlett magic to keep Dani from being TSTL and keep the conflict believable.

So...naturally...I must pay her, and the currency for her help is Purefoy:
Now, off to wander around Okinawa and cause trouble. Tomorrow? Connor, it is ON...

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