Monday, November 9, 2009

The world is conspiring... keep me from finishing World Enough and Time.

I really can't complain, though. It's been one distraction after another, but it's all good stuff: The arrival of my copies of Between Brothers. The contract for The Distance Between Us. Final edits for Rules of Engagement. Today? Galley copy of Rules of Engagement (which is basically the final about-to-go-to-press file that I have to go through line by line and check for typos and such). I'm down to the last 50 pages of the galley copy, so I should be done shortly, but my brain. Is. Fried.

I'm still participating in NaNoWriMo...I mean, it's day 9 and I'm nearly to 40,000 words, so it's not like I'm behind...but I'm scaling back my competitiveness a bit. Just too much going on to try to force it. That, and this story isn't coming quite as quickly as some of my others. I like how it's going, it just needs a somewhat slower hand for some reason. And hey, who am I to argue with Connor "cunning linguist" Graham when he wants a slower hand?

So, I'm just going to keep working my way through, still aiming to finish 100,000 or so by the end of the month, but maybe not being quite as competitive about it. On one hand, I'd say I don't want any more distractions, but given the types of distractions I've been getting? Bring it on, universe. Bring it on.

And as of today, it's 3 weeks until Rules of Engagement is released. You'd better believe I'll be posting here the second it drops, too. Well, when I stop SQUEEEEEEEEing, that is.




1 comment:

  1. Oh God, poor you. Your life is so awful right now. Two books published, two more to come. And you're only 40k into your NaNo project by day ten.

    Clearly, you fail. You should probably kill yourself.
