Saturday, September 25, 2010

To all BDSM Authors

Again and again I've ranted about this topic, and here I go again, because another damned BDSM book set me off. I'm going to keep it short this time, because I've said my piece in previous blog entries.

In fact, I'm just going to let sum it up for me:
con·sent [kuhn-sent]

–verb (used without object)
1. to permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield (often fol. by to or an infinitive): He consented to the proposal. We asked her permission, and she consented.
2. Archaic . to agree in sentiment, opinion, etc.; be in harmony.

3. permission, approval, or agreement; compliance; acquiescence: He gave his consent to the marriage.
4. agreement in sentiment, opinion, a course of action, etc.: By common consent he was appointed official delegate.
5. Archaic . accord; concord; harmony.
If you are writing BDSM fiction, please acquaint yourself with the above definitions. Print it out, put it above your computer, and never, ever forget it.

And while you do that, I'm going to go see if I can turn the shower on hot enough to make my skin stop crawling.

But first, just because they make me happy, here is 30 Seconds to Mars:
That is all.

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