Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Mancandy - All Roads Lead to Rome

Okay, so I was late to the party and didn't start watching Rome until recently. That just meant I got to watch the whole series in two weeks rather than biting my nails between episodes. DVDs FTW.

Anyway, as anyone who has watched the show knows, there is no shortage of eyecandy. And in case you haven't watched the show, well, here's what you're missing:

This might be a bit of a wrongcrush, it might not. I don't care. Ciaran Hinds made the cut and that's final...
Kevin McKidd earned himself a place on my mancandy list...
As did Ray Stevenson...
And what's better than one piece of mancandy?

TWO pieces of mancandy. Together.
For that matter, there was no shortage of ladycandy...

Indira Varma...
Kerry Condon...
And Polly Walker, who was lucky enough to play the lover of Mark Antony, played by one James Purefoy:
Lucky woman...
And let's face it. Purefoy was on the show. Does anything else matter?

I mean, seriously...
Just look at those shoulders...
No, seriously, look again:
*sigh* Being that sexy is tiring, isn't it, James?
There you have it. All the reasons why Rome is awesome.

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