Friday, January 28, 2011

A new blog...

So I've decided to split my blog into personal and professional. Of course there will still be writing-related posts here, and updates about releases and such, but I'm going to try to steer this one toward more things related to traveling, mancandy, life in general, know...the whole Adventures in Navy Wifing thing.   I've tried this before, and this time I will be sticking with it since I actually have things to post on the new one (releases, cover art, etc).

The new one will just be -- in theory -- more professional.


I'm still sorting out a few things with the formatting, but there it is.


  1. I suggest putting a direct link to it on one of the sidebars. And I assume that you would prefer having the professional one on writing-related blog link lists, instead of this one. :)

  2. Good idea, I'll add it to the sidebar.

    And I'll be sending updated links to people who run writing-related lists as I find them. I keep losing track of where I'm listed. lol
