Sunday, December 18, 2011

The New Journey Begins

My time in Seattle has drawn to a close, and tomorrow, it's time to hit the road to Nebraska. You can probably expect some more frequent updates, since road trips (especially with pets) always result in some craziness and shenanigans. With any luck, none of those updates will involve snowbanks, ice, or my truck getting stuck in some combination thereof.

And of course, long hours of driving by myself mean one thing and one thing only: lots of time for plot bunnies to appear. I'm sure a few new ones will show up, but the game plan is to spend the next few days plotting out my next two WIPs -- a contemporary SFF and the sequel to my upcoming release, The Given & The Taken. We'll see how well that plan survives first contact with the enemy.

Now it's off to spend some time with the family before I leave, finish the Tetris-style packing of my truck, and let my cats enjoy one more blissful day of not riding in cages. begins.

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