Sunday, April 19, 2009

Trashing a Dress at Katsuren Castle

What do you do when you have the following at your disposal:
  • A wedding dress
  • A 15th century Okinawan castle
  • A willing model (thanks Meghan!)
  • A Sunday with nothing to do
Why, you take pictures of the model wearing the dress!

Now, the dress didn't get completely trashed, just a little dirty, a few grass stains, etc. Stay tuned, however: Meghan has volunteered to truly trash a dress, so she and this dress(or one of my others) will be taking a swim very soon...

But for today, we settled for just getting the dress a little dirty.

(I am not in any way affiliated with, I just enjoy...well...trashing dresses for the sake of photography. 'Twas their idea, and it's fun. So there.)