Monday, August 3, 2009

Another one done.

The revision (read: major overhaul) of Playing With Fire is done.

92,902 words, 47,371 of which are 100% new material. 21 new chapters. 1 new secondary character. All the original chapters/scenes have been expanded and extended. And yes, that includes those scenes(tm). (Let's just say that those of you who enjoyed Ian Black in the original will probably enjoy this version...Ian Black 2.0 is an entirely different animal.)

I'm pretty happy with the revision, though I know it's still going to need some line editing, but I'm mostly happy that it's done.

Tomorrow, I figure out what my next project will be.

Tonight, I screw off, drink vodka, and play video games. After I read Adam and Libbie's chapters, of course, since I've been neglecting them for an inexcusably long time. Sorry, guys. Beta reader FAIL.


  1. YAY LORI!!! :-)

    I've got a few chapters of it left to read, but YOWZER, it rocks so hard.

    Adam, wot totes loves ya.

  2. OMGZ. So excited to read PWF v. 2.0

  3. This book's publishfail was a blessing in disguise.

    Ian - I heart you so hard.

  4. Congratulations on getting the revisions done!

    Go, Lori!
