Monday, August 3, 2009

A Writing Meme.

Another writer survey thingy that actually has some decent questions. This was reappropriated from Adam who stole it from The Lady With The Laptop

What's the last thing you wrote? The last thing I finished was The Best Man.

Was it any good? I rather think it is. It's my favorite book so far.

What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have? The first draft of Sins of the Father, written back in 2000. *shudder*

Write poetry? Very, very rarely. Not my cup of tea.

Angsty poetry? No.

Favourite genre of writing? Erotic romance. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead and laugh. I explain myself hyuh.

Most fun character you ever wrote? Hands down, no contest, Brandon Stewart from Rules of Engagement. I heart him.

Most annoying character you ever wrote? Probably a toss-up between Sam from Luke Boydston's Baby and Mandi from Playing With Fire. And by "toss-up" I mean "toss them off a cliff".

Best plot you ever wrote? Going to have to say The Best Man.

Coolest plot twist you ever wrote? Either the end of The Best Man or Playing With Fire.

How often do you get writer's block? Writer's block doesn't exist. I know this because Scarlett said so hyuh and hyuh.

Write fan fiction? Good heavens no. Why would I want to steal someone else's characters? Half the fun is coming up with totally new characters.

Do you type or write by hand? Type. My handwriting is appalling and not nearly as fast. That said, I do write in YOOGN sometimes if I need to work out the right way to word something. For whatever reason, a little scribbletime sometimes helps me sort it...I know what I want to say, not quite sure exactly how, but longhand helps. I don't question it. Gift horse, mouth, etc.

Do you save everything you write? What kind of daft question is that? Of course I save it. And back it up in eleventy billion places.

Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it? Oh yes. Many times.

What's your favourite thing that you've written? There's a kiss in With The Band that I'm exceptionally proud of.

What's everyone else's favourite thing that you've written? I'm honestly not sure. If you're reading this, do feel free to post it in the comments (without giving away major plot points!)

Do you even show people your work? Scarlett sees it before the proverbial ink is dry, Adam and Libbie see it in fairly short order as well. Once the first draft is done and revised, I have a few more betas in my little harem.

Who's your favourite constructive critic? Scarlett, with Adam and Libbie not far behind.

Did you ever write a novel? I've written 11.

Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror? Occasionally, sometimes, and not yet.

Ever written romance or teen angsty drama? Romance...hell yes. Teen angsty drama? NO THANK YOU.

What's your favourite setting for your characters? *snerk* *snigger* *giggle* My favorite setting for my characters? *snort* Do I have to say it?

What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will? Christian fiction. Just not my thing.

How many writing projects are you working on right now? Finishing the second draft of Playing With Fire. I used to work on multiple projects, but I find that focusing on one is easier.

Do you want to write for a living? Fuck yeah. Kinda already do, but I'm not bringing in a whole lot of money yet. LOL

Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper? I had a small article printed in a fringe counterculture magazine a few years ago, and a few articles for a Morgan magazine my mom edited.

Have you ever won an award for your writing? I won a coffee cup for a short story and a copy of some book or another for another short story. And some trophies in elementary and junior high school.

Ever written something in script or play format? I wrote a spoof of Fiddler on the Roof in junior high as a play, and a parody of The X-Files in high school as a screenplay. The play was performed, we never finished filming the screenplay.

What are your five favourite words? Here is your publishing contract.

Do you ever write based on yourself? Every character I write will have aspects of me. I think it's unavoidable. <--- Keeping Adam's answer. None of my characters "are" me per se, but they will all have some aspect of me here and there, some more than others. I think Teri has my sense of humor, Brandon has some of my views of society at large, etc. What character that you've written most resembles yourself? Probably Tygra from Sins of the Father, only because it was my first book, so probably more likely to have "Mary Sue" tendencies.

Where do you get ideas for your other characters? Pictures. My method is discussed hyuh.

Do you ever write based on your dreams? No. My dreams make no sense. I like to think my stories don't suffer from the same condition.

Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers? Happy, but ambiguous. Not every loose end has to be tied up, but it has to be enough of a resolution to satisfy the reader.

Have you ever written based on an artwork you've seen? I once wrote a poem based on a painting. It must have been epic, because it was accepted by one of those anthologies that crams 8,923 poems into one huge volume and charges you $49.95 for the privilege of seeing your words in microscopic font.

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write? Yes. Poor grammar and spelling annoy me, so I can't write that way. Is it 100% perfect by the rigid rules taught in English class? Of course not. But this is a form of communication, and it must be done properlah, yo.

Ever write something entirely in chatspeak? (How r u?) *screams and runs away*

Entirely in L337? See above.

Was that question completely appalling and un-writer like? Yes. Bastard. *breathes into paper bag*

Does music help you write? I have to have music when I write.

Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well? Sometimes, yes. Or they're surprised that I write novels. And they're surprised when those novels get published. I don't know if I should be offended by this or not. LOL

Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind.

From Playing With Fire (this is Teri referring to her drunk sister): "By the time I slowed down and changed lanes to exit, Mandi was quiet. Quiet, but groaning. I knew that groan and I knew it well: It was the sound of the ticking tequila time bomb."

There. Now you know more than you ever wanted to know. If you're a writer, and you've read this meme, I hereby command you to fill it out and post it on your own blog.



Hurry up.


  1. Hehehehe, you kept a couple of my answers!

    I are so coolz.


    You're pretty cool too, love. ;-)


  2. Ooh, you allowed yourself to be probed, blogwise.
