Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ogling Architecture

Before going to visit friends tonight, we spent the day wandering around Seattle. During our travels, we came across this church. I've seen it before, many times, and thought it was wicked cool, but I've never taken the time to stop and photograph it.

Until today, of course...

The power lines don't really help, but I didn't feel like Photoshopping them out tonight:
Can't help it, I just think this building is cool...
A little monochrome churchness...
And I thought that having the Space Needle in the background made for a really funky juxtaposition...(I'll get rid of the power lines eventually)...
Tomorrow, I'll be out most of the day, but hopefully will have time to sort and post the rest of the pictures we took today, most of which consist of the Woodland Park Zoo (and creatures therein) and Capitol Hill.

But for now, you will simply have to be content with these church pictures. More to come...stay tuned...


  1. Very nice, Lori, have a cookie.


    *Menny hugz*


  2. I am shocked, stunned, amazed, impressed and aroused.
